
I can’t tell you where it started, but i can tell you why……… if i had to pin point a time, it would have to be little Aleah in private school only having 3 options to wear Monday - Friday. Sundays i was in church attire , Saturdays i looked like a little Tom boy lol. When i found out i was going to public school in 2nd grade i didn’t know what to do with myself i didn’t have a clue what to shop for or what even to choose when my dad took me school shopping, so pretty much all of elementary you’d see me in the most experimental clothing lol nothing was cute… while all my friends looked like cute little girls i just looked confused. When junior high hit i had years of watching others dress to get a better idea of how i wanted to represented. But still…. Junior high felt like i was more in a mocking stage instead of dressing how i wanted to. Then high school came and i asked my mom to take me to the thrift store in hopes to get way more for my buck and experiment, it was then what sparked the person i really was… getting to pick up so many different genres and shapes, patterns and styles and playing dress up i was in the ultimate heaven!!! From there my love for personal style was growing massively. Now today, it is my pleasure to know that i am serving others to help create, add and maintain their personal styles. In this shop you will find one of a kind jewelry, custom designed pieces by me, one of a kind statement clothing and so much more. If you were to ask me what i sell, i sell style. Thank you for shopping with “Her” and adding it to your style ☺️